Exploited migrant workers’ access to remedy in the Baltic Sea Region: From rights on paper to rights in action
The webinar presents findings from new research by HEUNI, King Institute and ETI Sweden mapping grievance mechanisms for migrant workers in Finland, Norway and Sweden, as well as good practice of grievance mechanisms and access to remedy in Baltic Sea countries.
When: 14th of November 2024, 10.00-11.30 CET
Where: online
Who: members and non-members
The webinar will:
- Present practical implications of different grievance mechanisms and migrant workers’ access to remedy in Finland, Norway and Sweden.
- Discuss barriers in migrant workers’ access to remedy in the Baltic Sea Region.
- Discuss the role of trade unions, victim support providers, and NGOs in facilitating access to remedy.
- Highlight good examples and cases of remediation from the Baltic Sea Region.
- Give recommendations to the state, businesses and other actors to improve exploited migrant workers’ access to remedy.
- Natalia Ollus, Director, HEUNI
- Saara Haapasaari, Sustainability Specialist, HEUNI
- Dr. Tina Davis, Special Advisor and Researcher, King Institute
- Christopher Atapattu Riddselius, Senior Advisor, ETI Sweden
About the project
The event is a part of the research project Safety for all? Remedy for exploited workers in the Nordic region. It has been funded by Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Project Support Facility (PSF) and CAPE III project together with the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, as well as the project partners.
The project is conducted by HEUNI, King Institute and ETI Sweden.

For questions about the event please contact Christopher Atapattu Riddselius on christopher.atapattu.riddselius@etisverige.se.