Introduction to human rights due diligence
In this course you will learn the basics on how to carry out due diligence to address human rights and labour rights risks in global supply chains. The course is in English and is aimed at people who work with suppliers in different roles, such as purchasing, product specialist and sustainability.
INFORMATION about the training
When: 23 May 2024, 09:00-12:00 CET
Where: online
Cost: 5,000 SEK / free for members of ETI Sweden
Human rights due diligence is a process to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for human rights impacts within companies’ own operations and supply chains. It is based on guidelines in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct.
Recently, the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD) was concluded and it is expected to become Swedish law within two years. In Norway and Germany, legislation has already been adopted and due diligence requirements are included in several EU regulations, such as the EU Forced Labour Regulation, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the EU Taxonomy.
As due diligence moves from voluntary to mandatory it is increasingly vital that companies build competence, not just in the sustainability department but across the whole organisation.
About the course
In this course, you will learn what due diligence is and the six steps for carrying out due diligence in accordance with the UNGPs and OECD guidelines. The course will dive deeper into some of the key elements in the due diligence process and provide examples from leading companies. At the end, participants will apply their learnings in a group exercise.
Topics that are covered:
- How you identify and prioritize risks
- How you prevent and mitigate negative impact
- Ways to involve stakeholders in the process
- Legislative developments, including the EU directive on due diligence
Please note that the course is in English.
Who is it for?
The course is for professionals working with suppliers in various positions, such as purchasing, product specialist and sustainability.
For people responsible for the company’s human rights and supply chain sustainability work, we recommend our longer in-depth training course (in Swedish). For more information, see courses.
Course leader
Emilie Schultze is Coordinator at ETI Sweden and responsible for trainings and events. She has worked with business and human rights for the past six years and conducted trainings on HRDD for three years.
Malin Kjellqvist is Senior Advisor at ETI Sweden and an experienced trainer in the field of HRDD, worker rights and sustainability in supply chains.
Free for members of ETI Sweden / 5,000 SEK for non-members. An invoice will be sent after registration.
For enquiries, please contact Emilie Schultze on