It’s time for a Nordic Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa
Welcome to webinar on sustainability and cocoa with speakers from GISCO, Mondelez International and Fairtrade International.
Time: 1 June 2022, 09:00-10:30 CEST
Place: online
Price: free
About the webinar
The Nordic countries import cocoa ingredients equivalent to approximately 45.000 tonnes of cocoa beans yearly. The majority of cocoa is grown by smallholder farmers, making the crop a significant livelihood opportunity for rural communities, mainly in West Africa. However, risks for poverty, child labour, gender inequality and deforestation are linked to cocoa supply chains.
In response to these risks, multi-stakeholder initiatives for sustainable cocoa such as the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO), the Dutch Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (DISCO), Beyond Chocolate (Belgium), and the Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa (SWISSCO) have been established. All these initiatives urge to improve income and working conditions of cocoa farmers, with attention to gender equality and elimination of child labour, and to conserve and protect natural resources, halt deforestation and promote reforestation.
The Ethical Trading Initiatives of Denmark, Norway and Sweden and the Fairtrade organisations of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden invite you to a webinar on the sustainability issues and possibilities within cocoa. You will meet and learn from one of the established European platforms and some of the leading corporations within the cocoa sector.
Program and speakers
09.00 – Welcome
Is it time for a Nordic Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa?
Camilla Erika Lerberg, CEO, Fairtrade Denmark and Henrik Lindholm, Executive Director, ETI Sweden
09.10 – Cocoa – the scale of the challenge
Jon Walker, Senior Advisor, Cocoa, Fairtrade UK
09.25 – GISCO : German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa
Learn more about the GISCO: What? Why? How?
Beate Weiskopf, Executive Secretary, GISCO
10.00 – Mondelez International
How can sustainable cocoa initiatives support the supply chain, due diligence and sustainability work of Mondelez?
Marcus Hartmann, Corporate & Government Affairs Lead, Nordics, Mondelez International
10.15 – Wrap up and next steps
Moderator of the day: Simen Høy Dypvik, Senior Advisor, Ethical Trade Norway
For questions about the event, please contact Emilie Schultze on